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Most important quality

Безплатни реферати, есета, доклади, анализи и всякакви теми свързани с чуждите езици.
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пол: Жена

Most important quality

Мнение от Kotkata68 »

In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic that a person can have to be successful in life?

There are different qualities that can make one successful in different spheres of life. For example, the most important quality of a friend is reliability. If it isn’t your friends that you can rely on, who is it? On the other hand, from a professional point of view, the most valuable quality is being hard-working. And eventually as a person you need to be charismatic in order to make people enjoy your company. There are many other qualities that can be useful too, but to me those three are irreplaceable.
Firstly, as a successful friend you should gain your friend’s trust be showing them reliability. Can you think of your hardest moment ever? Do you remember who were the ones next to you all the time? The friends are the people with who you share good and bad moments. They are the people who help you with the homework when you are sick, who talk to you when they see you don’t feel well. You can understand one is your friend when you need his/her help, then you find out on who you can and who you cannot rely.
Next, the most important thing you should do in order to succeed in your professional career is be hard-working. I believe that this is very important characteristic in everything you are involved in. If one works hard, does what he’s been asked to and prepares his work before the deadline he’ll be highly estimated by his colleagues and boss. The hard-workers are also the people everyone can rely on for help and advise. Moreover, in my country we have a quote: “Work makes people beautiful”. And finally, if you want to succeed in work, you don’t need just to work, but work hard.
Being charismatic can be useful in any situation. This is really important when you are communicating with people. For example, there are teachers in school everyone loves and some that are somehow apathetic. There are teachers too that make you feel really comfortable during their classes-they possess chrism.
To sum up, qualities such as being hard-working can be really valuable in work, reliability and chrism are also not be underestimated. The most important thing about a job and everything is that you enjoy what you are doing-that’s the quality that proves to be the most important for one who wants to be successful.

Mirena Ancheva
Прочетено: 514 пъти

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